Rescuers This image gallery contains images of the many rescuers from the Coast Guard, Navy, and Marines. Tom Blank was the pilot of the Coast Guard HU-16. Bill Shields. Bill didn’t have a beard at the time of the accident. (Photo courtesy Bill Shields) Captain Ned Lemoine was the co-pilot of EM-07, which rescued the final three survivors. Crew Chiefs Bill Schrader and John Barber. In the front row, first from the left is Corporal William Schrader. Bill had completed his final flight test for becoming a crew chief on the day of the accident. John Barber is in the second row, second from the left. From left to right: Lt. Commander James E. Rylee, Lt. (j.g.) Donald G. Hartman, Chief Aviation Machinist’s Mate William A. Brazzell, and Aviation Machinist’s Mate C.V. Lindley. The four are being congratulated by Vice Admiral Robert E. Townsend. The helicopter used in the rescue is in the background. (Photo courtesy Bill Brazzell, Official Navy photograph) Captain Art Nash was the aircraft Commander on EM-13 which rescued one passenger who later died. Carmond (Fitz) Fitzgerald was on the same helicopter as Bill Shields. John Barber was the crew chief aboard EM-13. (Photo courtesy John Barber) Bill Bohlke was a civilian piulot who, along with four others, dropped two life rafts to survivors. Cost Guard pilot Richard Evans. Richard was the co-pilot on the Coast Guard HU-16 that managed the rescue from the air. Share this:EmailMoreFacebookPinterestTwitterLinkedInTumblrRedditPrint